House for sale
Ohio, Cuyahoga County, City of Cleveland, USA Property ID: 41707545
Property description
This large multi-family home is located in Union – Miles Park which is a great neighbourhood in
Cleveland, this area is close to Mount Pleasant and Slavic Village. It is also just a few minutes to
John Adams College And Career Academy, which is one of the best schools in Cleveland.
There are two large bedrooms, a full basement and a large garden. The property will be
renovated by Global Investments best contractors and will be supplied rent ready to a Section 8
standard. The works will begin after the new owner closes on the property. When complete the
management company will place brand new vetted tenants. Each apartment should achieve $950
– $1,300 in rent each month.
Union – Miles Park is viewed as a very central location in Cleveland Ohio, it is just 6 miles from
Downtown and 5 miles from University Circle. University Circle has the highest concentration of
cultural attractions and performing arts venues in the whole of the US. The house is in a great
street near to Luke Easter Park. The Park covers an area of 97.3 Acres and is popular for walking
and family activities. The park features sports facilities such as a basketball court, a tennis court,
a baseball court, a multi-sport court, a swimming pool and an abundance of natural scenery.
Return of investment
Break even in
4.16 Years.