Office Building for sale
Manati, Manati, Puerto Rico Property ID: 27961751
Property description
** PRICE LISTED IS FOR LISTING CRITERIA ONLY, ACTUAL PRICE WILL BE DETERMINED AT AUCTION. Please verify specific property information with seller for accuracy.
Puerto Rico Real Estate Auction
Thursday, May 11 at 2 PM
Sale Site: The Condado Plaza Hilton, 999 Ashford Ave., San Juan, Puerto Rico 00907
30 Incredible Properties MUST BE SOLD!
- Land - Homes - Condos - Industrial Properties - Commercial & Office Buildings
Featured Property:
Property #6123 - 2,262 SF Commercial Building, 6 Barrio Alegre Community, Rosa Cotto Sector, Manati, PR 00674
All properties are for sale by two highly motivated US based private equity funds.
There has never been a better time to buy real estate in Puerto Rico and you don’t want to miss this auction!
Broker Compensation Available
Live and Online Bidding Available!
Christiansen Real Estate Lic 134
John Dixon & Associates