Property for sale in Macerata - 20222582 - Advertised on propertyO by Coldwell Banker Immobiliare VLG Solutions

Apartment for sale


Le Marche, Macerata, Italy Property ID: 20222582

Property description

Visso, in close proximity to the historic centre, ground floor apartment comprising separate entrance over living-room with kitchenette, two spacious double bedrooms, large hallway, bathroom, private court of 20 square meters and private parking space outside.The property has been recently renovated with hardwood floors.Visso is a charming mountain town of Marche region at the border with Umbria. The "Pearl" of the Sibillini mountains (the National Park Headquarters) has a rich history: the walls, the medieval balconies, houses, towers, Renaissance palaces, stone portals with Latin mottos and family crests, constitute a harmonious whole and grandiose, if put in relation to the limited extent of the historical centre.The wonders in such a small space are such, that it is impossible not to agree with the great art historian Andre Chastel, when he says that "the construction scenographic squares and city of the Italian genius had no rivals." Just look, Visso, piazza dei Martiri Vissani, where everything is composure, lightness, harmony of lines: pure beauty.The square is bordered by elegant four-sixteenth-century palaces and characterized by two remarkable buildings: the Collegiate Church of St Mary and the Church of Sant'Agostino. The collegiate church in Romanesque-Gothic style dates back in its original layout, in the 12th century. It is topped by an elegant Bell Tower with mullioned Windows and embellished with a facade with a finely carved 14th-century portal, introducing two sides proud Lions. The Lunette encloses a precious fresco depicting the Annunciation and attributed to Paolo to Visso. The Chiesa di Sant'Agostino (sec. XIV) has a facade with three cusps with Portal and rose window; Today Deconsecrated, houses the Museum that collects works of municipal and ecclesiastical property coming churches largely vissano territory. There are also preserved six manuscripts of Giacomo Leopardi idylls, including "the infinite".All historical centre is of great beauty, with listing of the Sibillini mountains in his Crown and, inside, the ancient towers, the four gates which close the walls, Renaissance palaces rich portals and Windows carved stone by local craftsmen: the famous "Vissani Petraioli", to which belongs the fourteenth-century Baptistry School of the ancient Church adjacent to the Collegiata.Among the buildings, the palazzo dei Priori, the Governors and the palazzo del Divino Amore (transformation-the latter-a Franciscan convent dating from the 13th century and today seat of the Parco Nazionale dei monti Sibillini) add richness to this village that looks like stone embroidered.Outside the country, you can visit the sanctuary of Macereto, a thousand meters of altitude on the plateau dominated by Monte Bove. Built on Bramante's model by Giovan Battista from Lugano between 1528 and ' 38 around a more modest 14th century chapel, built to House a statue of the Virgin Mary by miraculous virtue, has three fronts on which three portals are richly carved with bas-reliefs and columns with Corinthian capitals on which rests a frame with triangular pediment.Tradition has it that the August 12, 1359 mules carrying the statue, once in the place where now stands the sanctuary, they stopped and would not continue. The stone construction was finished in 1558 by they masters from Lugano.Alongside stands the Palace of Guaite built between 1571 and 1583 and enclosed, along with the Shrine, in an enclosure of walls with an internal porch served as a refuge for pilgrims and animals.

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