Overseas property news - Wanted down under

Wanted down under

The BBC television series is looking for new families to appear in the fourth series of their popular show about starting a new life in Australia...

Yearning for a new life Down Under? BBC programme Wanted Down Under is looking for new contributors.

The BBC has confirmed that although the search for contributors for Series Three has now been completed, they are hopeful for a fourth series.

As with earlier series, if you are interested in applying for Series four of Wanted Down under then you should email the BBC at wanteddownunder@bbc.co.uk including some brief information about yourself and your family to help them choose some appropriate participants.

The BBC has requested that this information should include

Your names and age

Contact details including a phone number

The area in which you currently live

Where you are considering moving to

A brief description of your job (particularly for the possible Visa applicant)

The main factors behind the desire to move

Any issues holding you back

What stage you are at in the visa application process (if at all)

The BBC has also confirmed that, in line with the Data Protection Act, all details will be kept on file for future reference but not shared with any third party.

So get emailing wanteddownunder@bbc.co.uk for a chance of appearing on Series four of the show.

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

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