Overseas property news - Man builds world's first 3d-printed castle

Man builds world's first 3d-printed castle

The engineer, located in Minnesota, came up with the idea two years ago and has spent the time since researching and toying with different options. From a small printer using plastic to a larger machine that printed layers of cement, it took "extensive tuning" of both the programming and concrete mix to calibrate the machine.

Now, Andrey Rudenko says, he can print "nearly perfect layers", which he has demonstrated by building a model of a castle, which he assembled layer by layer and, in some cases, section by section - printing turrets by themselves, he admits, "was a bad idea".

Next for Rudenko? A full-sized house.

"A new era of architecture is inevitable, and I’m excited to see where the next few years will lead in terms of construction and design," he writes on his website, which documents his 3D-printing endeavours.

"It is possible to print limitless amounts of classical décor as well as brand new elements and shapes, whereas previous technology made innovative constructions difficult and expensive."

The engineer adds: "I have previously been sure I could print homes, but having finished the castle, I now have proof that the technology is ready."


All photos: TotalKustom

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