Overseas property news - #tmcworldcup match of the day: germany vs algeria

#tmcworldcup match of the day: germany vs algeria



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Following our World Cup predictions, which forecast an overall victory for the USA, TheMoveChannel.com follows the FIFA tournament through every stage, highlighting a property Match of the Day.

Germany versus Algeria may not appear like much on paper, but this year's World Cup has proven anything but predictable in practice. Algeria have emerged as surprising contenders, while Germany have remained steady, if not imperial. In the property shootout, though, it is another story entirely.

Algeria, the underdog housing market, has no listings on TheMoveChannel.com. As a result, the country received no enquiries last year on the portal. The only place where Algeria came close to scoring was in overseas appeal, with property in Algeria being searched for 10 times in May 2014. Property in Germany, though, received 65 times as many searches.

With no house price data from Knight Frank available to compare the property markets in terms of overall health, Algeria is left far short of its opponent. Germany advances without breaking a sweat.


Who will win the Property World Cup? See our full infographic here - or keep up to date with the latest results on Twitter by following the #TMCWorldCup hashtag.


What do the figures mean?

Enquiries = % of enquiries received on TheMoveChannel.com in 2013
Searches = Number of searches for "property in X" on Google in the month leading up the World Cup
Listings = Number of properties currently listed for sale on TheMoveChannel.com
Price (12m/6m) = House price movement in the last 12 or 6 months, according to the Knight Frank Global House Price Index Q1 2014

Click here for the full statistics.

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