Overseas property news - China builds upside down house

China builds upside down house

Photo: DFIC.cn (via China Daily Asia)

China's housing market may be described by some as volatile, but this new home is probably not what they had in mind. Located in Fengjing Ancient Town, it sounds like a normal home: it has three rooms, two storeys and a garden. The only difference? It is all upside down.

The bizarre structure, which is built at the China Folk Painting Village, is hoped to attract tourists when it opens its door next month. The property, constructed from the roof up, is completely flipped the wrong way, from its window ledges to its doorstep. Even inside, the furniture is stuck to the ceiling, allowing visitors to walk through the building, following a path through to the front door, which is effectively an upstairs window.

The eye-catching home follows a similar property in Moscow, which was built in the All-Russia Exhibition Center in January this year. The gravity-defying tourist attraction featured everything from a dinner table and a half-empty glass of water to even a real-life Mini parked upside down.

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