Overseas property news - Expert hails ‘impressive' romania

Expert hails ‘impressive' romania

Statistics recently released from the Romania Central Bank show an impressive increase of foreign investment in the country during 2008...

According to the Bank's figures, foreign direct investment (FDI) totalled €9.02 billion in 2008 up from €7.25 billion in 2007, an increase of almost 25%.

Romania's strategic position in the midst of central Europe, its skilled workforce and low labour costs remain key attractions for foreigners planning to set up in the country. In addition, corporate tax, levied at the flat rate of 16% in Romania, is one of the lowest in Europe.

Constant stream of investment

One of the main beneficiaries of high levels of FDI has been wages. Traditionally one of Europe's poorest countries, Romania's salaries are increasing in leaps and bounds. According to government statistics, gross average wages in December were 9.7% higher than those in the previous months and year-on-year figures show a salary increase of a massive 17.6%.

James Gonzalez, Market Analyst at Obelisk Investment Property, commented: "Romania's FDI inflows for 2008 are impressive and the more or less constant stream of new investment shows that this pattern is likely to continue during 2009 in spite of the global economic slowdown."  

Source: www.obleiskinvestmentproperty.com

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