Overseas property news - Italian flights to give albania tourism a lift

Italian flights to give albania tourism a lift

Photo: Lopezio / Sorokin

Four different airline carriers will together launch an average of 140 direct flights per week to various international destinations across Italy, Tirana International Airport has announced.

Following the suspension of Belle Air flights, a number of European carriers have expressed interest in the lucrative Albanian to Italy market. Indeed, the introduction of daily direct flights from Italy is down to an increase in passengers wanting to explore the country.
The news comes just as the Albanian government announces significant steps in transportation infrastructure projects to improve travel and develop local economies, enhancing Albania's holiday destination image for overseas visitors and boosting potential investor confidence.

Peter Walshe, Head of Marketing at Lalzit Bay Resort and Spa, a beachfront development 45 minutes from Tirana, comments: "We feel that infrastructural developments such as these have played a crucial part in fuelling the incredible level of interest we have seen at Lalzit Bay Resort & Spa. The first 80 apartments are already sold out which is an incredible achievement in the current global economic climate. With this in mind, we are extremely excited to see the valuable outcomes for both Albania and Lalzit Bay once improvements are completed.

"The future is certainly looking bright for Albania. With high numbers of tourists already flocking to the country combined with the new daily flights from across Europe, Albania is set to explode as a tourist destination generating considerable revenue for the country. Albania's biggest attractions, as well as its cultural and historical charm and Mediterranean climate, are undoubtedly the extremely low cost of living and the incredible coastline which amazes so many people on their first visit."

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