Overseas property news - Here is what george lucas' museum looks like...

Here is what george lucas' museum looks like...

Only weeks ago, George Lucas was talking about the outlandish-sounding organic style of his museum ("sponge" was the operative word). Now, MAD Architects have unveiled the design for the Chicago building.

The Lucas Museum of Narrative Art "both futuristic and timeless", says the architect firm. "Its continuous undulating organic surface blurs the line between structure and landscape. As the harbor rises up to the land, it merges with stone surfaces that reach up to the sky and ultimately crescendos into a “floating” disc."

"The Museum is not an isolated object," they add, "but a spatial experience that is defined by the people who occupy and interact with it."

The tallest points of the museum will feature an observation deck with 360º views, providing visitors with a panorama of both Chicago and Lake Michigan. Inside, there will be three levels of exhibition space in infinite loops, which "mirror the objective of the artwork inside", i.e. "it tells a story".

What do you think? Spectacular or sponge?

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