Overseas property news - Brazil: the happiest country in the world?

Brazil: the happiest country in the world?

Jetpac's report - released to mark International Day of Happiness (today) compares countries around the world by analysing photos posted on Instagram to detect and count the number of smiles caught on camera.

The site processed 150 million Instagram photos to measure the happiness on people's faces, deciding that Brazil is the place where people smile the most.

The findings contrast with more traditional findings from the OECD, which asks people how satisfied they are with their life to produce the Society at a Glance 2014 report. They research found that among the organisations 34 members, Switzerland was the country with the highest life satisfaction, reporting a 7.8 rating on an 11-point scale.

Switzerland was followed in the charts by Norway, Iceland and Sweden.

None of the above featured in Jetpac's top 10 happiest destinations, though, which ranked Nicaragua, Colombia, Bolivia and Costa Rica as its top five. The top 10 was completed by Honduras, Venezuela, The Philippines, Guatemala and Mexico.

"Smiles on the faces of millions of people in millions of photos are the most direct measure we have of happiness," argues the site. "Previous attempts to measure happiness have relied on survey questions or indirect measures."

The site identifies types of smiles too, giving larger scores to bigger grins.

How happy are people in the UK? Judging by the amount we smile, not very: we rank 62nd in Jetpac's chart.

Which report is more accurate? Our advice is simple: pick whichever one makes you happiest.

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