Overseas property news - 2008: a record year for turkey?

2008: a record year for turkey?

2008 could end up being a record year for Turkey’s investment and tourism sectors, claim experts.

According to the World Tourism Organisation’s (WTO) table of the world’s highest earning tourism sectors, Turkey ranks an impressive 8th,  which has prompted the head of the Turkish Hotels Federation TUROFED, to predict that 2008 will be a record years for the country.

Ahmet Barut of TUROFED, commented: “In 2008, we expect 27 million tourist to visit Turkey leaving behind over 20 billion US dollars. Turkey will experience a record in the number of tourists arriving in the country”.

Research from TNS Travel and Tourism reports that the credit crunch has not deterred British holidaymakers from taking trips abroad.

Tom Costly of TNS believes that ‘a number of trends suggest the UK holiday market appears resilient in the face of economic downturn’, adding: ‘Millions are still taking annual breaks despite the slowdown in the global economy witnessed over the past months’

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