Overseas property news - Bid to protect borrowers in forced sales

Bid to protect borrowers in forced sales

New laws will stop banks and other lenders selling repossessed houses at less than their market value, the NSW Government says...

Lands Minister Tony Kelly says in the current economic climate many home owners have fallen behind in their mortgage payments and face the forced sale of their home by lenders who foreclose.

"But it is immoral that these home owners have been exposed to the risk of unscrupulous lenders seeking to force through a 'fire sale' of their property," Mr Kelly told parliament.

"Properties are often sold for well below market value simply to recover the lender's debt, leaving the home owner with nothing."

The Government was introducing new laws to make sure that in any forced property sale, the home would not be sold at less than market value, Mr Kelly said.

The Real Property and Conveyancing Amendment Bill would ensure that full value would be paid for the property, regardless of the legal device a mortgagee used to sell it.

Changes to the Real Property Act would also protect home owners against fraud, he said.

"We're cracking down on identity fraud to give further protection to home owners and make sure they can't lose their home due to property fraud," Mr Kelly said.

"We will be tightening the obligation of lenders to ensure that they take reasonable steps to verify the identity of parties to a mortgage.

"If this condition is not met, the mortgage, if fraudulent, will not be enforceable against an innocent land owner."

Source: www.theage.com.au

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