Overseas property news - Illegal corridor built between chinese towers

Illegal corridor built between chinese towers

Photo: CRI / DFIC (via Curbed)

Illegal properties spring up all around the world, from unintentionally purchased properties in Spain, which have been the subject of recent legal disputes, to thin houses squeezed into spaces between UK buildings.

China, though, has been the site of potentially the most dangerous so far: a corridor linking together two towers. The bridge between the residential apartment blocks in the city of Nanning has been erected by an unkonwn party, but local press reports that it is most likely the work of a tenant residing on the premises attempting to expand their living space.

While the stability of the structure could prove risky to the person inside, another news publication has highlighted it as also a "safety hazard to passers-by walking below". Indeed, if an earthquake or storm struck, the potential harm and damage to people and property alike is significant.

This is not the first time China has witnessed an ambitious piece of illegitimate construction: just last year, a man built his own private villa on top of an apartment block, which was ultimately ordered to be demolished by local authorities.

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