Overseas property news - Brits still love cyprus

Brits still love cyprus

Cyprus is still a very popular holiday destination among British consumers, according to one travel firm...

Thomas Cook said that it was widely seen as a very affordable destination that offered attractions such as guaranteed sunshine. However, people who are planning to visit the Mediterranean island in the near future have been reminded that it has recently changed currency.

Cyprus became a member of the euro on New Year’s Day, while the pound has now been completely withdrawn from circulation. Although there is still a limited amount of time in which to get leftover money converted into euros, visitors have been advised to Change their money as soon as they can.

Melanie Whitehouse, director of foreign exchange at Thomas Cook, commented: "The adoption of the euro makes it even easier for holidaymakers visiting Cyprus, as they no longer have to be concerned about an unfamiliar currency."

According to official figures cited by the Financial Mirror, Cyprus attracted 2.4 million tourists last year - 0.6 per cent more than in 2006.

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