Best of british campaign
Hamptons are to take a portfolio of 100 UK properties to sell to wealthy buyers in Arabia...
Called the Best of British, the agent's campaign targets international
purchasers who want to take advantage of lower house prices, together with a
weak pound.
A Hamptons spokeswoman said, "We have seen a
strong increase in overseas buyers over the last few months, with figures
indicating that in prime central London
alone there has been a 20 per cent rise in European buyers. The country market
is witnessing a similar trend, with a 12 per cent increase in European and
American investors registering to purchase property.
"With average house price discounts across the UK now 20 per cent down from peak,
these opportunities are magnified by the effective discount given by the
relative strength of other currencies against the pound. For example, a buyer
with US dollars can find a current purchase in the UK market 39 per cent cheaper than December
2007. A London
property requiring the equivalent of £1 million in December 2007 can now be
acquired for £470,000."
The Best of British launches in Dubai
on April 15th, hosted by Prince Michael. A two-day exhibition in Dubai, expected to attract 1,000-plus wealthy people, will
be followed by a second exhibition in Abu
Dhabi as part of the Cityscape global real estate