Overseas property news - #tmcworldcup match of the day: russia vs south korea

#tmcworldcup match of the day: russia vs south korea


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Following our World Cup predictions, which forecast an overall victory for the USA, TheMoveChannel.com follows the FIFA tournament through every stage, highlighting a property Match of the Day.

One of the interesting results of the #TMCWorldCup's Match of the Day shootouts is that you get to see property markets in action that we would never normally consider. Today is a textbook example: Russia vs the Republic of South Korea.

Russian investors have been a major force in global property trends thanks to a growing middle class and a desire for holiday homes in Eastern European countries and further afield. With the Ukraine crisis affecting economic confidence around the world, though, foreign demand for Russian property has dropped, according to agents.

They only account for about 3 per cent of real estate transactions in Moscow, though, according to IntermarkSavills, so interest was never that high in the first place. Indeed, Russia accounted for a mere 0.01 per cent of enquiries on TheMoveChannel.com in 2013. Even that, though, was higher than South Korea, which has no listings on the site at all. Just 10 searches for property in the Korea Republic in May 2014 confirms its relative lack of openness and popularity among overseas investors.

South Korea property prices, though, have increased 1.1 per cent in the last six months, better than Russia's house prices, which stayed flat amid the political uncertainty. Overall year-on-year growth of 2.3 per cent, though, compared to 1.1 per cent in South Korea, leaves Russia winning the battle of the tiny contenders.


Who will win the Property World Cup? See our full infographic here - or keep up to date with the latest results on Twitter by following the #TMCWorldCup hashtag.


What do the figures mean?

Enquiries = % of enquiries received on TheMoveChannel.com in 2013
Searches = Number of searches for "property in X" on Google in the month leading up the World Cup
Listings = Number of properties currently listed for sale on TheMoveChannel.com
Price (12m/6m) = House price movement in the last 12 or 6 months, according to the Knight Frank Global House Price Index Q1 2014

Click here for the full statistics.

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