Overseas property news - Treat tenants nicely

Treat tenants nicely

Avoid damage bills and get rent payment on time by treating tenants well...

Treating tenants nicely will help property investors avoid damage bills and late rental payments, one of Australia's biggest landlord insurance providers says.

Terri Scheer Insurance's General Manager of Insurance Services, Carolyn Majda, says tenants will find it easy to take care of a property if they are given an incentive to do so.

Ms Majda said, "Nobody wants to live in a house that has shabby carpets and an unruly garden in need of repair.

"Simple gestures such as a fresh coat of paint or gardening assistance can help to ensure the property remains well cared for," she added.

Terri Scheer Insurance's tips for building a good relationship with tenants include:

Giving them a property to be proud of by keeping it well presented.

Making it easy with a low maintenance property, which could involve paying for gardening services every few months.

Responding quickly to maintenance requests.

Being reasonable with rent.

Ms Madja said, "A landlord who sets the rent too high may be resented by tenants. If landlords are considering a rent increase, they should make sure it's for the right reasons and that the amount can be justified.

"Landlords who did not have the time to make regular inspections or respond quickly to maintenance requests should consider appointing a property manager," Ms Madja added.

Source: www.news.com.au.

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