Overseas property news - Investors flock to coastal croatia

Investors flock to coastal croatia

Demand for property along the Croatian coastline has skyrocketed, claims one company.

According to industry analysts, strong coastal demand is pushing up house prices in the country.

A spokesperson for Amberlamb recently stated: “Coastal towns in the Croatia have become very popular with foreign property buyers in recent months, and the high level of demand has led to house prices in the most sought-after locations going skywards.

”This means that investors who have entered the market early could potentially collect good returns should they come to sell up at a later date. You can also no longer consider Croatia an emerging market in price terms alone. Although many buyers want a coastal property for investment purposes, lots of these people are also keeping it for their own personal use.

“Despite the rise in the cost of real estate, the cost of living in Croatia remains affordable – what’s more, the quality of life in Croatia is so fabulous. The pace of life is slower, the climate is more attractive than the British climate for example, and the people are welcoming."

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