Overseas property news - Hotel offers "google glass holiday" to guests

Hotel offers "google glass holiday" to guests

Photo: Stanford Court

A hotel in San Francisco has become possibly the first in the world to offer "Google Glass holidays" to guests.

The Stanford Court Hotel in San Francisco has introduced a new "Google Glass Explorer" package for visitors, which will see guests given the usual amenities, from a room to a bed, but also the latest gizmo from the web's leading search engine: the Google Glass.

The optical device, which people can wear like a normal pair of glasses, gives people the ability to view apps, media and online content while standing in the queue for the bus or - now - sitting in their hotel lobby. Google Glass has taken the media by storm thanks to its revolutionary potential, although the number of people who actually use it is presumably tiny: the kit costs $1,500 and is only available in America.

San Francisco's hotel, then, gives guests a taste of the Google Glass lifestyle - which mostly entails doing the same thing as any other lifestyle while looking at your emails and wearing glasses - for a fraction of the price.

The package costs $199 per night, reports CNTraveler, and will include a tutorial for the device and tips on how not to be "Glasshole", whatever that means.

The Google Glass has already begun to permeate the travel industry, from Virgin Atlantic running a six-week trial of employees using the eyewear to check passengers in, while Hotel Near Me is the first hotel booking app compatible with the glasses.

Would you go on holiday to look at a computer?

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