Overseas property news - Lance armstrong hits australia

Lance armstrong hits australia

Adelaide's Tour Down Under could be the first race in seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong's comeback next year...

Armstrong last week confirmed he would try to win another Tour de France title, aged 37. Tour Down Under organisers have tried for several years to attract Armstrong to the race, but cost and scheduling issues have stopped them.

The cycling news website was last night quoting Armstrong as saying he wanted to race in several countries, including Australia. The January 20-25 Tour Down Under is the first major event on the international road race calendar.

Tour Down Under Race Director Mike Turtur said last night that his organisation had not yet had any contact with Armstrong, but said it would be a coup if the American came to Adelaide.

Mr Turner said, "Obviously it would be huge for cycling in Australia if Lance Armstrong came here.

"Part of the reason he wants to be involved in cycling again is to make people more aware of cancer. He says he wants to go to all parts of the world to spread the message.

"If he's looking for good preparation ... then the Tour Down Under fits the bill perfectly," he added.

Armstrong nearly died from cancer in 1996 and his main motivation for returning to competition is to highlight awareness of the disease.

There is so far little detail on Armstrong's comeback and he does not even have a team.

Source: www.theaustralian.news.com.au

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