South australia growth to continue
The South Australian economy is likely to continue to grow according to a new report...
Economics says that the South Australian economy is likely to continue to
grow. However, Australia
overall may see a downturn after what has in recent years been significant
growth based on a commodities boom.
The report predicts that the state's economy will grow 2.3 per cent this
financial year, 2.9 per cent next year and 3.8 per cent in 2010-11.
"Although the news for South
Australia may be bad, the news is worse
elsewhere," the report says."
"That means SA's share of Australia's
economy is likely to climb more notably and sustainably in the next few years
than it has done at any time since the 1960s."
Treasurer Wayne Swan said he would not comment on the report's findings or that
overall Australia
was heading for a recession.
"I don't speculate about the figures in this report," Mr Swan
"There's no doubt that a slowing of the global economy with impact upon
commodity prices."
"It will certainly impact upon the Budget bottom line, in terms of the Commonwealth
Budgets and State Budgets."
Access said that with the sharp fall of the Australian dollar two of SA's main
exports wine and education will go up.
"Although the global wine market is taking a hit, Australia is
well positioned to raise its market share," the report says. "Ditto
the market for overseas students, with South
Australia doing particularly well in recent years
thanks to strong demand from Chinese, Indian and Malaysian students."