Mps condemn spanish ‘demolition-derby’
of the European Parliament have launched a new offensive against notorious
Spanish land laws that continue to wreck the holiday-home dreams of Brits in
the Valencia region...
The European Parliament's campaigning Petitions Committee approved a damning new report slamming planning loopholes which leave homeowners defenceless against developers seizing part or all of their property.
Thousands of properties in Spain have been demolished without compensation for their owners - many of whom are British expatriates. In some cases, the authorities have even charged the property owners for the installation of local services, even after they have lost their property.
About 15,000 foreign residents, mainly British, Belgian, German and French property owners lodged a formal petition with MEPs three years ago to protest against a 1994 Valencia land and town planning law which triggered 20,000 compulsory purchases of land or property for "urban" development.
Law revision needed
The original aim of the law was to ensure community development plans were not
blocked by individual land-owners - a loophole meant unscrupulous developers
could reclassify rural land as urban without the owners' permission -
effectively giving developers compulsory purchase rights on foreign-owned homes
at a fraction of the market value.
The European Court of Justice has already ruled that the so-called "land-grab" law is illegal, but the European Commission says a replacement law - the Ley Urbanistica Valenciana - still breaches EU public procurement regulations and therefore failed to protect citizens' rights.
Now the Petitions Committee - which has no direct power - has made a new call on the Madrid government to force revision of the regional law.
A replacement law - the Ley Urbanistica Valenciana - still breached EU public procurement regulations and therefore failed to protect citizens' rights.
Scandalous behaviour
Sir Robert Atkins, a Tory MEP, said: "The scandalous behaviour of some developers,
builders and local authorities resulting in people losing their homes has to
stop now. The emotional and financial trauma suffered by so many legitimate
home owners has to be rectified.
"The European Parliament has expressed a forceful condemnation of Spanish Land Law and its implementation and it is imperative that all political parties in Spain understand the anger of residents and act to Change the law as soon as possible."
His colleague Roger Helmer, also a Tory MEP, said: "The Petitions Committee has no power, but as it acts directly on citizens' petitions for help, endorsement from the Committee adds hugely to the pressure on the European Commission to keep pursuing the issue".
He said MEPs were now looking at ways of providing compensation for those who have already lost their homes or lost part of their land because of the law.
Picture: Overseas Property Mall