Overseas property news - Cyprus tackles ‘the property issue’

Cyprus tackles ‘the property issue’

Fresh talks on Cyprus property appear to be progressing smoothly...


Talks last week between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders, aimed at reunifying the island of Cyprus and focused on property rights, were "substantive," the top United Nations envoy there reported.

Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat each voiced their views on the principles the other side has presented, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Special Representative Tayé-Brook Zerihoun said after the meeting in Nicosia.

Constructive discussion

"They had a good round of substantive discussions on this issue and they have agreed to continue these discussions next week on the afternoon of 12 February," Mr. Zerihoun told the press.

In May 2007 the Cypriot leaders committed to a partnership that will comprise a Federal Government with a single international identity, as well as a Turkish Cypriot Constituent State and a Greek Cypriot Constituent State which will be of equal status.

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