Overseas property news - Seller stories: things i know i'll do the next time i move

Seller stories: things i know i'll do the next time i move

Photo: Dvorscak

Things are getting serious with my girlfriend of two years. We’ve been having a talk or two; now that we own a puppy, we’ve decided that the apartment life isn’t for us any longer and it would be best to move into a house.

Since this would be our third move, I know some of the things I’d want to do this next time around (and perhaps this will give you some ideas too).

1. Minimize before the move

The second place we got, where we’re at now, is on the third floor (and the place doesn’t have elevators), which can give you the groaning image of carrying up tables, Couches, and other very heavy items - an absolute nightmare.

This next time around, we are definitely going to minimize and plan before the move.

This means:


  • Donate


  • Sell


  • Keep


This is a simple way to reduce the clutter (do a little good and gain some extra funds for the move) that I’ve found to be highly effective. Drastically cutting down on all the stuff will also help us realize the appropriate size of house we’ll need, too.

2. Research the entertainment options

The location we’re at now was mostly decided upon because it was in close proximity to my girlfriend’s college, but other than that there isn’t much to do around the area unless you’re willing to drive 30 minutes (and get stuck in traffic). This is one of the main reasons why we stay in, play video games, and if we do go out it’s to the park or German restaurant or sushi place.

This next time, though, I’ll be prepared.

First of all, I want to make sure that we can get decent cable subscriptions (I do a lot of web related work, plus it’s great for gaming) and from what I’ve heard the triple play promotion is still alive and well for the area. Secondly, I’m going to scope out the restaurants, since I’d like to get out more often and treat my girlfriend to a fun night out. Third are the sports and parks, which I haven’t been able to really get into, because I’d love to join up for a local league or go on better bike rides vs. being stuck on the main roads.

3. The educational opportunities

It’s an odd feeling growing up and taking on responsibilities and one of those that have been lingering on my mind is whether we will eventually have children. I’m not exactly ready, but I feel it’s something worth noting for the future and the area we’re at now doesn’t give a whole lot of options.

Then, there is the continuing education for my girlfriend and I too.

The next time we’re scouting for a place we’re going to keep in mind what to look for in schools (just in case we take the plunge into parenthood). We also want to make sure there are workshops and other studios for crafting, art, and music, which we could attend to Change up the entertainment and give us new hobbies (and the ability to make new friends).

Final Thoughts

I know it may not be as wild and hectic as moving overseas but one day we do have those plans. For now, however, we’re trying to become proficient at shifting around because I feel it to be something we’ll be doing for quite a while until we find that perfect little spot to call home.

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