Overseas property news - What lego can teach us about property

What lego can teach us about property

We regularly bring you news updates about LEGO at TheMoveChannel.com, because although the bricks are tiny, yellow and made of plastic, they can still provide an interesting insight into the world of architecture and property.

For those who doubt its relevance to real estate, though, one Realtor in Sacramento has actively used his LEGO set to demonstrate its potential to teach us important lessons about houses.

Last week, Ryan Lundquist wrote that LEGO can teach illustrate points on "issues such as functional obsolescence, code violations, the value of a view and FHA safety standards".

Then, the Realtor built a replica of one house that has failed to sell on the market, using the bricks to highlight the problematic elements of the property.

So there you have it: LEGO. Playing and learning about real estate.

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