Overseas property news - Number of brits buying french property "explodes"

Number of brits buying french property "explodes"

The number of British buyers snapping up French property has "exploded" in the past year, according to Leggett Immobilier.

The estate agency says that there has been an increase in sales of over 40 per cent in the first six months of 2015 compared to the same period in 2014, while recently released research from BNP Paribas confirms the story.

The BNP Paribas figures show that there were 13,823 sales to non resident buyers in 2014 which was a slight increase (1.5 per cent) over the previous year. British buyers, though, accounted for a third of these sales, which marks an increase of 35 per cent

Trevor Leggett, Chairman of Leggett Immobilier, comments: "This is a once in a decade confluence of low prices meeting a weak euro with the added bonus of cheap financing thrown in - whilst British buyers are leading the way we've also seen an increase in buyers from the USA, Asia and Australia, all taking advantage of the current currency rates."

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