Overseas property news - Ski resort opens... In north korea?

Ski resort opens... In north korea?

Photo: YouTube

The photo of the nation's Supreme Leader generated a wave of response on the internet, with users Photoshopping Kim Jong Un on top of other famous landmarks across the world:

Kim Jong Un riding a ski lift up the Grand Canyon (Photo: Buzzfeed)

While the image may seem bizarre, though, it is perhaps a fitting juxtaposition for the reveal of a snow-based resort in North Korea, a country not known for its luxury skiing lifestyle. Indeed, the resort has caused some controversy - "in a country that struggles to feed its own people, what on earth was the point of building a luxury ski resort?" writes The Telegraph - but Kim Jong Un is thought to have become fond of the luxury skiing experience thanks to time spent in Switzerland when younger. Others have speculated that the resort is a move to rival South Korea's hosting of the Winter Olympics in 2018.

The resort was constructed in 10 months and boasts a total of nine ski runs serviced by Chinese lifts. 5,000 tourists a day were reportedly expected after its opening. When Kim Jong Un visited, though, there were only 200.

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