Overseas property news - Has berlusconi helped or hindered italy’s property market?

Has berlusconi helped or hindered italy’s property market?

Concerns of further instability in Italy were raised this week when Silvio Berlusconi withdrew his support for the country’s coalition government. The move forced Prime Minister Enrico Letta to hold a confidence vote in an attempt to remain in power.

Berlusconi’s bid to take down the government, though, saw a surprise and sudden end when he performed a major U-turn on his actions following defections in his party, which weakened his stance. He reconfirmed his support for the coalition just minutes before the vote took place.

The result was a landslide victory for the PM, with 235 of 305 senators voting in favour of Mr. Letta’s government: a long way above the minimum requirement of 153 senators.

"Italy needs a government that can produce structural and institutional reforms that the country needs to modernise," Berlusconi is quoted as saying by Sky News.

"We have decided, not without internal strife, to vote in confidence."

Confidence is restored to Italy once again: but are Silvio’s remarks affecting investor sentiment in the country’s property market?

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