Robin williams' former home for sale
Everyone's favourite Hollywood funnyman tragically passed away this year, but like his movies, his former piece of real estate lives on. This home more than most, in fact, given its name bestowed by the actor: "Villa Sorriso", which fittingly translates to "Villa of Smiles".
The vineyard estate, located in Napa, California, was built in 2003 and boasts five bedrooms, 10 bedrooms and 20,000 square feet of living space. Everything from a tennis court, spring-fed pond and private cinema to a horse barn, infinity pool and even a private tower are included on the property.
The vineyard itself produce Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet France varieties of wine, with the grapes going to Robert Craig Winery, listing agent Cyd Greer of Coldwell Banker tells Zillow.
The home was available quietly on the market this year, but has now been listed officially for any and all interested buyers. The price? $25.9 million.