Overseas property news - Slovak artist puts log cabins on top of apartment buildings

Slovak artist puts log cabins on top of apartment buildings

Log cabins sitting on top of apartment buildings aren't something you expect to see every day of the week. Unless, that is, you live in Slovakia, where an artist has built cabins on top of high-rise blocks.

This is not like the Chinese man who erected his own private rooftop villa on top of his penthouse, only to have it demolished because he did not have planning permission: this is art. TomᚠDžadoň stacked the traditional Slovak sheds on top of the Soviet-era high-rise buildings to remind people of the country's traditional architecture.

It took Tomáš two years to get the permits required for the ambitious project, rescuing homes that would have become firewood and turning them into a striking statement about preservation within urban environments.

Here is what they look like:

(Photo: Designboom via Curbed)

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