Overseas property news - Obama to keep fighting

Obama to keep fighting

U.S. President Barack Obama says he hopes an economic stimulus plan passed by the House of Representatives can be improved before he has a chance to sign it into law...

The House approved the £574.4 billion economic recovery plan Wednesday without a single Republican crossing party lines to vote for it.  Mr. Obama had been hoping to win broad bipartisan support for the plan.

Republicans said the package contained too much wasteful spending and not enough tax cuts.

The Senate is crafting its own version - which includes an additional $70 billion in tax cuts - and will debate the measure next week.

The two chambers of Congress will have to resolve the differences between their two versions of the plan before President Obama can sign it into law.

Mr. Obama has said most of the money in the package will be used immediately and go directly to efforts to save or create three million to four million new jobs.   The legislation offers funding for numerous domestic projects, and includes billions of dollars in tax cuts.  

Source: www.voanews.com

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