Overseas property news - Paradise portugal ‘the best in europe’?

Paradise portugal ‘the best in europe’?

Quality of life in Portugal is reportedly amongst the best the world.

Expats rated Portugal third in Natwest's Quality of Life Index, making the Iberian paradise the top scoring European country in the chart, beating Italy, France and Spain. Here is the full table

1. Canada
2. New Zealand
3. Portugal
4. Italy
5. France
6. Sweden
7. Spain
8. Norway
9. Singapore
10. UAE

Source: CFS

Canada scored first place with a mean score of 63.95 (a perfect score would be 80, the worst score would be 16) with high rankings for housing, the natural environment and the availability of consumer goods. New Zealand was a close second, with high rankings for schools and healthcare provision.

Towards the other end of the Quality of Life Index, Singapore and UAE both fell short in regard to public transport and public services in particular.

Dave Isley, Head of NatWest International Personal Banking comments: "The chance to work or retire abroad to a place in the sun has long been a desire for many Brits, and it is interesting to note for those considering the move to wider shores that the grass can indeed be greener on the other side.

"The NatWest IPB Quality of Life Index reveals that British expatriates are healthier, wealthier and happier; wherever they move to. It is interesting that the study also reveals the motivation to leave is not just dissatisfaction with life in the UK. The prospect of a good lifestyle abroad appears to finally prompt the decision to make the final leap."

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