Overseas property news - Air france strike ends

Air france strike ends

Air France pilots have ended a strike that lasted two weeks, the longest in the airline's history.

The pilots' Union SNPL went on strike in protest over the carrier's plans to develop its budget arm, Transavia. Pilots feared that such an expansion would threaten their pay. While the strike has been called off, though, no agreement has been reached.

A Union spokesperson told the press that the action had finished to help negotiations continue in a "calmer climate". Indeed, Air France has lost millions in the past fortnight, as discussion could not reach a resolution.

"The balanced and reasonable protocol to end the conflict proposed by management has not been signed by the unions," Air France announced.

"Air France regrets that the pilots' unions have not seized these opportunities."

<a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29401056">The BBC</a> notes that the airline also rejected an offer from the Union last week to end the strike if an independent mediator was appointed.

"Air France is now totally mobilized to regain its customers’ trust, restore serenity among staff and promote corporate cohesion," said the airline.

Flights will graduall return to their normal service in the coming days. Talks will continue.

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