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Turkish visa changes: what investors need to know

Changes are being made to Turkey's Banderole Visa this year, which will mean visitors are unable to get their visa on arrival at the country's airports.

Mon, Jan 13, 2014

New mortgage lending rules hit the us this week

New mortgage lending rules are set to impact the US property market this week, as a change regulations requires lenders to scrutinise borrowers' eligibility for loans in more detail.

Mon, Jan 13, 2014

Cypriot developers ask banks for breathing space

Cypriot developers are asking banks for breathing space to settle their debts.

Mon, Jan 13, 2014

Australian city property prices rise 10pc

Properties in Australian cities increased in price by almost 10 per cent last year, acording to the latest figures from RP Data-Rismark.

Mon, Jan 13, 2014

Seller stories: things i know i'll do the next time i move

One home seller shares their recent experience of moving home - and what they learned to do in the future.

Mon, Jan 13, 2014

Is this the weirdest house in the world?

This four-bedroom house in Indianapolis may look like a regular home on the outside... actually, it does not even manage that. From the balconies and pillars to the curves and off-beige colour, this property is so strange that even its neighbours have planted trees to hide it from view. We take a look at what just might be the weirdest house in the world...

Fri, Jan 10, 2014

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