Plastic fantastic
More and more people are travelling to Brazil for cosmetic surgery, Brazilian property investors may be interested to know...
With the cost of hospital fees a fraction of the price in the country,
increasing numbers of men and women are jetting off to Brazil to get nipped and tucked,
according to Female First.
Figures from the Treatment Abroad
Price watch Survey reveal state that liposuction can cost as little as £517
in Brazil, compared to an
average price of £3,000 for the procedure in the UK.
Now travel companies are offering cosmetic surgery holidays, with one company
quoting a patient as saying their experience was "nothing put
Meanwhile, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's Chief of Staff, Dilma Rousseff
is thought to have undergone cosmetic surgery.
A local newspaper has reported that Ms Rousseff - who is most likely to
represent the ruling party in the 2010 presidential elections - had a facelift
last month.