Foreign investors ignore global slump
Foreign real estate investors expect to spend significantly more
in '09 than they did in '08...
According to the 17th annual survey of members of the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (AFIRE), foreign
real estate lenders say they plan to increase lending by 54% globally and by
58% in the U.S.
Equity investors plan to increase investment activity by 40% globally and by
73% in the U.S. Survey respondents hold approximately one trillion dollars of
real estate, including $371 billion in the U.S.
Respondents again ranked the U.S. as the country providing the most
"stable and secure" real estate investments, by a wide margin at 53%.
Germany and Switzerland tied for second most stable at 11.3%, Tied for 3rd were
Australia and Canada, each with 4.8%.
US to benefit
Half of the top 10 global cities favoured by foreign investors are in the U.S.,
a shift from last year's survey where half of the top 10 cities were in Asia.
Washington, D.C. reclaimed it status as the top global city for foreign
investors' real estate dollars, deposing New York City, which was third is a
close ranking with second-ranked London.
Tokyo and Shanghai ranked fourth and fifth, respectively. When asked about best
opportunity for asset appreciation, the U.S. was also named first with 37% of
the votes. Brazil jumped 10 places into the #2 spot, replacing China, which
dropped to #3, followed by the U.K. (up from 9th) and India (which fell from
Apartments on top
Other key findings included that apartments were the preferred U.S. investment
property, followed by office, industrial, retail and hotel, a shift from office
being most preferred the past two years. Also, nearly 75% said a U.S.
property's "green" features influenced their purchase decision and were worth a
rental premium.
Survey respondents reported that finding attractive U.S. investment properties
is becoming less difficult.