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Greek golden visas fail to glitter?

Greece's Golden Visa scheme has failed to glitter, according to new research. The country, which offers buyers from outside of the EU visas in exchange for real estate investment, has fallen short of the success enjoyed by other nations.

Thu, Jan 07, 2016

Alps enjoy snowy start to 2016

Snow has finally fallen on the Alps, after a December that saw blue skies and disappointingly mild weather.

Thu, Jan 07, 2016

Trading suspended as china weakens currency

Trading on China's market was suspended today for the second time this week, as the country's currency continues to weaken.

Thu, Jan 07, 2016

Watch - senegal islands quickly disappearing due to climate change

In Senegal, islands around the low lying delta of the Saloum region are fast disappearing due to rising sea levels. Thousands of people living in the area are at the risk of losing their homes and livelihoods to climate change.

Thu, Jan 07, 2016

First property group buys up lidl branches in romania

First Property Group has invested over €10 million in Romania's commercial property market, acquiring a portfolio of Lidl supermarkets.

Thu, Jan 07, 2016

Ronaldo looks to score with european hotels

Cristiano Ronaldo is hoping to score off the pitch this year with a major investment in European hotels.

Wed, Jan 06, 2016

Australian legal reforms unlikely to deter investors

Legal reforms for Australia's property market are unlikely to deter overseas investors, one expert reassures.

Wed, Jan 06, 2016

Domestic buyers pounce on paphos

Paphos property sales are on the up - but not to whom you might think...

Wed, Jan 06, 2016

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