Overseas property news - Victoria receives biggest snowfall in years

Victoria receives biggest snowfall in years

Victoria's alpine resorts have recorded their biggest snowfalls overnight in years, with further dumps today and tomorrow expected to create the best late-winter conditions for skiers and snowboarders in nearly two decades...

Falls Creek experienced the biggest falls in the state, with the cold snap delivering 54 centimetres of fresh snow in the past 24 hours.

That takes the resort's accumulated snowfall to 226 centimetres this month - the best since 1992.

Mount Hotham recorded 47 centimetres of snow overnight - its biggest single snow dump since 2003, and contributing to the best August accumulated snowfall at the resort since 1992.

Mount Buller had 34 centimetres of snow overnight, Mount Baw Baw 10 centimetres, Lake Mountain 25 centimetres and Dinner Plain 30 centimetres.

Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Stephen King said a series of cold fronts had been moving across Victoria, associated with an intense low pressure system developing south of Tasmania.

The temperature in the main alpine resorts was expected to remain sub-zero until the weekend, when the mercury would creep only slightly higher.

"We've had quite a few cold fronts come through this week, and we have one more system coming through later on today," Mr King said.

"We've basically had this cold air across the state for a good 3-4 days now and temperatures up there have been well below zero for the last few days.

"Buller or Hotham got down to minus eight degrees [on Tuesday night] and they haven't really been much above minus four in the past 24 hours or so.

"In addition to those really low temperatures we've just had showers streaming in there for the last 12-18 hours and we've had rainfalls of 30-40 millimetres up there, which is fairly consistent with those snow falls of 50 centimetres or so."

Falls Creek spokesman Ian Talbot said the resort's natural snow depth was "now a whopping 177cm".

"This is now the deepest snow cover of any Victorian alpine resort and powderhounds are going to be relishing the most amazing late winter snow conditions in nearly two decades," he said.

Mount Hotham spokeswoman Gina Woodward said the resort had received 202 centimetres of snow so far this month, making it the snowiest August since 1992.

"The average natural snow depth is now 170 centimetres, with another 30 centimetres of snow forecast to fall by the weekend," she said.

Resorts say the bumper August snowfalls are set to make the spring skiing and boarding season the best in years.

However Mr King said warmer conditions were forecast across the state for the start of spring early next week, which could result in some of the fresh snow melting.

"I think we're forecasting almost 20 degrees up at Mildura on Monday and Tuesday, so there's quite lovely weather to end winter, before another band of rain will come through on Wednesday," he said.

"We're seeing the snow level then at about 1600 metres so it will probably undo all the good work from this week.

"It's looking like just enjoy the snow while you can this weekend."

Source: www.theage.com.au

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