Overseas property news - Albania granted eu candidacy

Albania granted eu candidacy

Announced on Twitter by EU Enlargement Commissioner, Stefan Fuele, following a meeting in Luxembourg, the newly appointed status sets Albania on the road to full EU membership in the coming years. The announcement also recognises the hard work put in by the Albanian government, newly elected in September, to reach this point, as recognised by Fuele:
"Albania congratulations on candidate status just agreed by Ministers: acknowledgement of reform efforts, encouragement for more."
Such efforts continue to establish the country as a major player in the region, in line with its Balkan brothers of Croatia and Bulgaria, who have already been granted EU membership, and Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, who have also been granted candidacy.
Providing a sense of reassurance that Albania will continue to surge forward in terms of its economy, political stability and fight against crime and corruption, agents have welcomed today's announcement as good news for residents and tourists alike.
Peter Walshe, Marketing Director for Albania's first high-end resort Lalzit Bay Resort & Spa explains: "What fantastic news that Albania has today been officially recognised as a candidate for the EU! It does, however, come as no surprise to me as there have been prodigious efforts made in recent times to achieve this longed-for goal, with the country making great leaps forward."

2014 was already predicted to see an increase of 5.5% in the direct contribution of travel and tourism to Albania's GDP (according to the World Travel & Tourism Council's 'Travel & Tourism Economic Impact' report for the country) and the news of candidacy to the European Union can only add to this growth.
"This announcement will certainly pave the way for a bright future for beautiful Albania, bringing much-deserved recognition within the wider European community and encouraging more people to discover all that this hidden gem has to offer," adds Walshe.

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