Overseas property news - New retirement hotspot

New retirement hotspot

Britons looking to retire abroad are flocking to the Aegean Coast of Turkey, it has been reported...

Turkey's climate and euro free currency are obvious attractions to the region, persuading many Britons to invest in Turkish property and move overseas.
It has been reported that one in eight British people over 55 will live abroad by next year, But the increase in the strength of the euro has made many wary of moving to popular retirement destinations such as the Costa del Sol, and the collapse of the US property market has also made would be retirees' think about alternative destinations.

People are now looking to invest in Turkish property on the Aegean Coasts which is where a large quantity of the 20,600 British owned properties are located and where the cost of living is said to be 60 per cent cheaper than the UK.

Source: www.selectproperty.com

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